
CLM and Electronic signature on iPad

iPoint is our validated, portable signature and call sampling application with electronic CLM for iPad. iPoint is most importantly a simple tool that is easy to use, cost competitive, and allows large and small companies alike to enjoy the benefits of real-time transaction processing and physician validation. From its inception, iPoint has been designed to be simple, intuitive and efficient.

Closed Loop Marketing

Fully integrated presentations and email marketing

Electronic Signature

PDMA compliant, location aware, time-stamped, and equipped with fraud detection tools

Does NOT require 3G

iPoint Mobile does not require the more expensive 3G iPad with monthly cellular costs.

Simple, Anywhere Sync

Connect to any wi-fi network to sync your calls to the cloud.

3G is not required.

Intuitive Feedback-based Dashboard

Customizable dashboard with emphasis on providing simple positive feedback to make your sales reps more productive and efficient

plus ... it's on an iPad

Prescribers love the iPad too; watch the iPad deliver more face time with your customers.

Why Choose POP?

  • Operational Simplicity
  • Technical Leverage
  • One Source CRM and Prescriber Validation
  • Get More for Less using SaaS
  • Leverage with us by deploying in the Cloud